Moment in Time Photography - Blog
September 29, 2008
don't want to load and unload the dishwasher, only to have to load it again
lose my patience on a regular basis (read, every 3 minutes)
am shocked by the amount of laundry a family of 5 can generate
don't care about dinner and the kids eat popcorn (or poptarts or cereal or um icing, with cupcakes)
say no simply because it is easier than saying yes
feel so close to God
am so not who I want to be
take my kids on amazing adventures
remember that it's not all about me
struggle with anger
get very frustrated with everything
am so filled with joy and happiness that it spills onto everyone
am a good friend
miss having my best friend around
feel lonely and sad
get tired of always picking up/putting away/cleaning
laugh so hard at my kids, cuz they are really funny
eat too much ice cream and brownies (especailly when I've just made a batch!)
long to be closer to God
remember to read my Bible
forget to apply what I've read to my life
waste too much time on the computer/in front of the t.v
am a photographer
am a sewer
am a teacher
am a referee
forget the reason I do all this
don't care that my house looks like the toy box has puked
it drives me NUTS
long for my kids to be older
wish they could stay little for always
grow weary
just want to hide in my room and have the world go on without me
have so much fun with my family
worry too much
get tired of saying the same things over and over and over again
remember what this life is all about
September 28, 2008
Weekend Fun
September 27, 2008
A Girl is...
Alexandra spent a looooong time the other day wrapping Owen up, singing him songs and attempting to 'Oen uppies'. She did, at one point, have him by the arm and leg and was, I think, attemping to give him an airplane ride but I'm not really sure (I told her at that point that she needed to be gentle and I would set him in her lap but he was too heavy for her to pick up!). What did Owen think of all this? He LOVED it. He was giggling and smiling. He thought it was great that his big sister was actually playing with him.
September 25, 2008
LOOOOOOONG Post w/no Pictures (sorry!)
so picture this:
1 mom, 1 (2 child) Chariot filled with: 3 umbrellas (it was supposed to rain but didn't), 1 pair of rubber boots, 2 raincoats, 2 child-sized backpacks, numerous jackets and blankets (it was COLD when we left this morning), a cell phone, wallet and movie, 3 plastic bags filled with; towels, swimsuits, dirty cloth diapers, and a pair of pants that had pee and juice all over them. The Chairot also held the two older kids (who were buried under the blankets, jackets and backpacks). Because the 2 big kids were in the stroller, Owen's infant carrier sling was attached to the outside and I was wearing him in a sling on me.
We really were quite the parade walking by. Oh yeah, did I mention that there is something wrong with one of the back tires!! Thankfully the custodian at Anthony's school had a pump and I managed to fill the tire and THANKFULLY it held the air until we got home (cuz that really would have been a sight, me pushing an empty stroller while trying to corall/herd childern!!)
We made it home and as I was getting Anthony a snack, I asked what he did at school and if he learned anything today.
His response: "Bakugan Battle Balls Momma! You do this and this and then they TRANSFORM!"
My response: "Say what?! How did you learn about that?"
Anthony: "G________ brought them today cuz he was the special person."
Me (cluing in): "Oh so it was show and tell"
The things they pick up on and that interest them!
Fall is here. I love the changing colours of the leaves and the crisp smell of the air. I love that I need a jacket (and hat and mitts) in the morning but by afternoon a t-shirt is just fine. I love the smell of people's wood stoves and the fact that this is a time of year where I tend to bake a lot (so I can warm up the house!). I love the fact that I get to watch sunrises in the morning because I am up before the sun. Anthony pointed out one today. I was finishing getting ready and he comes running into the bedroom saying "MOOOOOOMMMMM!!! You HAVE to come and see something. It is just SOOOOO cool. Come ON!" So I followed him to the window and there was one of the nicest sunrises I have seen in a while. The clouds were still greyish and the ball of red was breaking through creating a neat lighting effect. God is SO good. What a way to start the morning off. As my eldest and I were watching the sunirse for a few minutes I said; "Didn't God do good this morning?" and he said "He sure did Mom. It's pretty." Yes sweet boy, it definately was pretty and it helped to start my day off right.
Life is good and I am praising the Creator of seasons and sunrises tonight as I tuck little ones in and attempt to clean up the mess that has exploded in the front entry way (all that *stuff* that was in the stroller is now at the bottom of the stairs in my entry way!!)
September 24, 2008
And the Winner is....
September 23, 2008
Name that Blog.... on the comment spot and come up with a title!
September 22, 2008
I heard the helicopter before I saw it so I hollar to the kdis to come outside and see, turn around to see if they had listened, and there is Anthony standing outside in a t-shirt...(just a t-shirt)pointing at the helicopter (incase his sister couldn't see it) I'm sure my neighbours saw more than they bargined for had they been looking out the window. The 6-year old I babysit had come by and he and his friend thought it was the funniest thing that my son was standing their bottomless, I could hear them laughing as they scootered around the block!!! Boy am I glad to be a source of entertainment for the neightbourhood this evening :P
September 21, 2008
Party Time
September 18, 2008
It is rare that her and I get time together where it's just the two of us and we can play together. I left the pool so happy and content. It probably helped that when Owen woke and started to fuss, the lifegaurds took him out of the carseat and played with him (did I mention that Alexandra and I were the ONLY people in the pool?).
I love days that fill me up to overflowing. Even shopping was great. Today was filled to overflowing with little gifts af grace and I am one VERY thankful Mommy. Here's hoping that your days are filled up too.
Good Morning Sun....
The post is random and probably going to be all over the place so please bear with me. The following pictures are from Anthony's birthday. We celebrated as a family on his actual birthday (Sept 10) and that's when these pictures were from.
Life has been happening quickly. There is (surprisingly) less than a month until I get to take the kids and visit my family in Toronto. SO excited. I will also get to see my bestfriend and her new little boy (well, by new I mean 2ish months). Well, kids are clammering for breakfast so I must go and feed the animals. There are some days when I am SURE that I am a keeper at the zoo!
Happy friday!!
September 17, 2008
September 16, 2008
A little of everything...
This morning started off awful. I don't even know what has wrong but everything was just rubbing me the wrong way (the fact that it took Anthony 45 minutes to eat the breakfast that HE picked out, the fact that Alexandra INSISTED on uppies the entire time I was trying to get everyone ready and out the door for the school bus) but, thankfully the 30min walk to the pool was wonderful and I managed to put everything back into perspective and have actually found my happy side again (I'm sure my family will be THIRILLED to hear that)
Tonight Troy is meeting with our pastor to talk about leading a Bible study (or Grace Group as they are called at our church) and I think it will be a really really good thing for him. I know he is nervous and a little scared because it takes him outside of his comfort zone but I have found that God often calls us outside of our comfort zones so that we can be challenged and forced to rely on Him in ways that we haven't in the past. I am excited to see where this leads and am praying that Troy will actually decide to lead (or co-ead with a friend) the group despite feeling nervous about it.
Thursday Troy and I actually get to go out on a date! We are leaving all three kids at home (with a dear friend of mine and I will pay her back by watching her kids one tnight) and enjoying a nice dinner out. So happy about that as it is very much needed seeing as the last time we were out without kids was 3 days before Owen was born (We went to see Prince Caspin)
September 14, 2008
September 12, 2008
What WAS I Thinking?!
September 11, 2008
Anthony's First Day
September 10, 2008
The End of Summer
(yes, we do a lot with this family!)
Anthony had a wonderful birthday today. He was SO excited with the presents he got that he ACTUALLY spent close to 3 hours playing with them by himself. He was just so happy today, it was a very nice change from Monday where all of my wonderful children were well...they were driving me over the edge with their I don't know what it was! SO yesterday and today were MUCH MUCH better than Monday and I am so thankful for that.