"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

December 08, 2010

A Christmas Present (that requires much praise!)

I got the only Christmas present I wanted this year.

Got it this morning actually.

Well, if you want to be technical, I didn't actually get it.

Troy was the one who got the phone call telling him that he has a FULL teaching timetable starting in February!! Math, periods 1,2 and 5 (which means he gets 4th period prep. which he LOVES) This timetable, is his dream timetable. It's what he wanted. God continues to amaze me at what He is able to do, and HOW He is able to do it. And the little things that He adds to it (like 4th period prep).

I am SO thankful for it.  God has been working lots in me, teaching me what it means to wait on Him and waiting for His timing, teaching me about trust and faith and about His Character. It has been good. Really really hard sometimes (and I wasn't always patient OR gracious) but it has been so good, and I am truly excited to see what else God has in-store for us as a family.

I am floored that we know so early that Troy is settled, that in and of itself, is completely God.

What an amazing answer to prayer!! I am so thankful to all the people who have spent months praying for this, for taking the time to lift us up before God, waiting and watching and anticipating Him answering. I love that God designed us for community and that there is strength where 2 or more are gathered in His Name.

Praise God!!


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I am so, so pleased to hear this news! I love how you give all of the glory to God. He will bless that (already has!!)

Merry Christmas to you!

Linda said...

Yeah, that's great news and a wonderful early Christmas present!