"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

November 13, 2008


Where oh where is November disappearing to? I am finding it hard to believe that we are almost at the half way mark. And I must admit, I am getting a little anxious for November to end for once it does.....

I CAN PUT UP MY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS (who me excited...I don't know WHAT you are talking about!) I love Christmas, the smells and the joy and the closeness of friends and family, the memories that are made around a tree or in a pew on Christmas Eve. I love the soft white snow and the velvet black sky ablaze with stars that always seem brighter the closer we get to the 25th. I am love that we have a reason to celebrate Christmas (a deeper reason than santa and toys and the never-ending displays that seem to appear earlier and earlier each year) I love reading the Christmas story to our kids as we sit around the tree, the twinkling of the lights as the reflect off eagar faces. The smell of baking and the looks of happiness on my kids faces as we take said baking to neighbours and friends. I love the songs playing almost continually on our CD player, annoucing the birth of our Saviour, lifting up our praise as we sing along all covered in flour, or tinsel. Truly, this is my favourite time of year.

Sorry....rabbit trail, this post wasn't really supposed to be about Christmas but I just can't help myself. This weekend is the *santa clause* parade, the kids love the floats and the hot chocolate and the excitement. So we will be going and Anthony has asked to go out to one of the greenhouses in town and look at all their Christmas stuff and see the talking moose (the best reason of all to go if you're 4!) There are birthday parties and field trips and show-and -tell days, knitting projects and quilting projects and life as it happens.

My life is so full and I am so blessed yet, there are some mornings I wake up and am grumpy with EVERYTHING (including the playpen that I forgot to put away yesterday and tripped over this morning) One of those days when I could have easily gone back to bed and stayed there, the rain was drizzling, the heat hadn't kicked in and my darling children were squabbling over a chair (a chair, seriously... there are 5 others...sigh) But all that being said, I am thankful for the day, the weather and the squabbling children. I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am glad that I had a friend who was willing to pick us up and take us to a pool so that little girls would nap today.

Enjoy this mid-November day, for it will be over before we can blink.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Isn't that the truth ... gone in the blink of an eye. :)

May the rest of your November be WONDERFUL!! :)