"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

April 21, 2012

Just a Saturday

Some days are just about perfect.

Today was one of those days.

Nothing special, same old Saturday routine and then dinner with some friends.

But it was needed.

It was good.

It was grace-filled joy.

This week, I have been doing better. . .

The proof is in the fact that laundry is no longer taking over my house (just the bed in our bedroom...),

I ran the dish washer 3 times today (yeah....I know.....!)

Xanj is learning to ride a two wheeler. She is doing good. Today was W.I.N.D.Y (and she was tired) but even still, we tried a bit (at her insistence) and it went well!

Anthony is devouring books like they are going out of style. Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Hardy Boys (the original, written in 1927 ones), Geronimo Stilton. It is so great to see him be able to disappear into the land of books. And I am beyond thankful for his choices in books too. I don't have to pre-scan them yet because I am not worried about the language or content.

Owen is 3 weeks away from turning 4 and is growing so much. He is in love with all things diggers/cars/trains and he L.O.V.E.S to colour. I should take a picture of the fishing picture he drew me yesterday. I love it!

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