"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

March 14, 2012


This year has been a long one. Filled with pain, with goodness, with learning/changing. The best part about this year (and my year starts in September....cuz I'm weird like that)? That God is revealing His Character to me. Who He is - a.l.w.a.y.s.

My prayer has been that God will do something that only He could do. I didn't matter what, or when or how. But I wanted God to show Himself in my life, in my family, in a big way. A way that was so completely from Him that we couldn't miss what He was doing even if we tried.

And He has.....He is.

And it is the most incredible thing there is.

This week the kids have March Break and we decided, pretty last minute, that our little family needed some fun, some smiles, some good old fashioned family time. Time spent laughing and loving and enjoying eachother and the wonder of the blessings that God has lavished on us.

Tuesday morning we loaded up the kids in the van and headed to Duluth. We got there just before 10am, and went straight to the Children's Museum and the Train Depot. They had a blast, we went to Old Country Buffet for lunch, wandered the mall, came back to the hotel to swim (and the little fishes swam!) Then out for dinner, where my sweet little girl fell asleep in my arms.

This morning offers some more shopping, lunch (belated for my birthday) at the Olive Garden, rest time at the hotel (because sleep is fleeting when little children spend the night coughing and coughing and rolling and kicking you in the head while they sleep!) a swim, some time at Adventure Zone dinner at their favourite place...Old Country Buffet another swim and bed.

Yup, we are enjoying each other.

We are thankful for this time away.

I am loving the smiles and giggles from the kids and the excitement on their faces everytime we let them know where we are headed next!

1 comment:

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I'm so happy for you guys! That is wonderful.