"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

January 01, 2012

Cure for the Grumpies

 Because it's been a rough few weeks. I have been so easily frustrated and just in an all round crummy mood. There are so many reasons for it.
 Some of which I can justify, some of it is simply me being lazy and allowing my human nature to win even when I so desperately don't want it too.
Some of it is the meds and the fact that I think they need adjusting again (but when the dr. who is doing mat leave for my family dr. asks me why I'm there, I tell her and she looks at me and the 3 kids I have in tow and says "How do you have time to be depressed?" I really have no desire to go back until my family dr is back!)
 But this day, overcast but warmish with a touch of wind. Filled with lots and lots of snow and ice. This day was needed.

God's grace in the moment. In the middle of the frustration and apathy, He showed up and showed me Himself.
 Reminded me of the mercy of Jesus and the grace that flows from His love always, daily, for the moment.
 Sometimes, for me, it takes getting out in the middle of nowhere (or in this case a lake on the side of the highway to Upsala) for me to find God again. To be reminded of Who He is and who I am without Him and to find the joy of who I am with Him.
 The kids had a blast. Well, Xanj and Owen had a blast (but it WAS Xanj's idea to go...she is totally into the whole outdoor adventure stuff), Anthony wasn't feeling 100% and spent most of the afternoon sitting in the van reading his TinTin book (and wishing he could be home playing a Star Wars III!)

 We were gone all day. Left the house before 8am and didn't get home until after 5.
 And I was content.happy.joy-filled.
 Because God is all I need. In the midst of the uncertainty of jobs or the tension that sometimes builds under the stress of that uncertainty or the rollarcoaster of emotions that seem to over-take me some days,
 God is all I need and that was the reminder I got loud and clear as the kids were fishing (or pretending to be polar bears and roaming around the lake!).

 The smiles on their faces and the beauty of creation around me.

I love that God knows what will touch my heart, what I need, when I need Him to reach down and touch the places of ice within my heart.

 This post is every where and I am not even sure if it is coherent...

 I am thankful for people who surprise me with generosity and gifts. For people who are real and honest.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

BEAUTIFUL!! The photos are breathtaking ... love the collage type one ... curious how you did that - it's AWESOME! :)

Your family is beautiful ~ and photos well in winter :)