"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

September 29, 2010

Safe and Secure

There are some days when I am right ready to strangle my second child. Where I would be very happy to leave her in her room all day and just not deal with the drama of her life.


I got a phone call from her J.K teacher last night, letting us know that she is doing GREAT at school. That she is a wonderful listener and is adjusting well to the routines of the classroom. That was so great to hear.

It made me think though.

I am so incredibly thankful that Alexandra is comfortable enough and secure enough in our love and care for her that she feels like it is safe to act like a complete lunatic at home.

It drives me nuts, but I am thankful for it. If she didn't feel confident, I'm pretty sure that she would act at home like she does at school.

And you what? I don't want that. I want her to be free to be the Alexandra that God has created her (fearfully and wonderfully) to be. Even on the days when I am pulling out my hair, at a loss for how to continue.

Because her flip side, is the sweetest thing in the world. Last Friday was h.a.r.d, but as I was leaving my friends house and another friend had offered to take Alexandra for the afternoon, Alexandra comes over to me, puts her arms on my shoulders, thumbs on my face, gives me a big kiss and says "Momma, I'm really sorry, when you get home, you go and dry your tears o.k? I love you."

Talk about melting a momma's heart on the spot!!

So yes its hard, lots of things about mothering these precious little people are, but I wouldn't trade my life for the world.

September 26, 2010

Oh the wonder and beauty of His creation.

He is Faithful

There is a line in a Casting Crowns song that says  "Praise the God who gives and takes away."

Often times I hear that and automatically think of the good things that God gives and of the hard stuff he takes away.

But, He gives us the hard stuff too. The things that cause us to grow in faith, to cry out to Him - even when we are not sure where He is, or if He is worth calling on, to reach out and be vulnerable with the people around us. The very things that strike fear in your heart.

It's easy to remember that God is sovereign when what He gives is good, and what He takes is hard. 

But do I (do you) trust Him, call Him faithful, loving and sovereign even when what is given from His hand is hard? When it makes you feel hemmed in and closed off from those around you? When it appears that there is no end in sight? When it makes you question the very faith that gives you the strength to walk through it?

Because in order for me to "Praise the God who gives and takes away" I need to be willing to praise Him when He gives what I am not expecting, when I don't think it is in my best interest (because honestly? what do I know??). 

To praise Him when He doesn't take what I want Him to take, and instead leaves it in place.

God gives. 

What He gives is not always easy, but He IS in the midst of it. Working through it so that He may be glorified and I may become more like Christ.

Praying that God may be seen in my life, that others will know that He is good.

Quote from a sermon about a month ago: (yes, it stuck!)

"Faithful is not just something God does. It is WHO He is."

Even in the hard places, when it feels like He is absent, God IS faithful.

September 24, 2010


Tonight, I am thankful.

Thankful for friends.

Friends who hug you,

Friends who let you cry,

Friends who cover you in prayer when you don't have the words yourself.

Friends who take your daughter before you lose your mind because you just. can't. do. it. another minute.

Friends who point you to God when you are stumbling through darkness and not sure what to share.

Thankful for the care of those wonderful women and the love and friendship I am blessed to have from them.

Thank you!!

September 20, 2010

And, She's 4.....

Last week was a whole lot of this...
 She's 4. Lost her nap (completely), is over tired, strong-willed and knows exactly which buttons to push. Although, she's always known which buttons to push! Thankfully, her flip side is sweet and helpful and she melts my heart with the way she loves on her brothers and friends.

Fall is here, and we are enjoying it!

September 16, 2010

First Day of J.K

There's no looking back now!

Is it even possible? Does someone want to tell this momma how we got here?

 Because there is no way she is old enough for this.
Ready? Oh, more than ready, old enough? That's still up in the air!
Here's hoping her first day was filled with fun, laughter and new friends!
Now I'm off to meet the school bus.

Anthony's 6th Birthday


Last Friday, Sept 10., my big boy turned 6. He started grade 1 on the 7th and turned 6 on the tenth! I cannot believe that time is flying so very fast!

The party may, or may not, have involved water balloons, alien cupcakes, crazy l.o.u.d yelling, mad dashing through the house and playing with army men.

They had a blast! It was a great way to celebrate this sweet, wonderful, handful of a boy of mine. We are truly blessed to have been given him to raise!

September 14, 2010


Been thinking alot lately about a number of different things, but the biggest thing right now, is vunerability in the midst of struggles.

And what that means for Christians.

God's been working to break the walls I like to hide behind, walls that I think will keep me safe, but really, just keep everyone, including God out.

If we, as Christians, are too ashamed, prideful, fearful to share our struggles with the body of Christ, where does that leave the lost, broken, hurting of the world? What hope does it offer them to see individual strength in the pews when it is the same as what the world offers?

The church offers hope, but how is that displayed to a world longing for hope when the people behind the stained glass fail to be vulnerable with eachother?

I sit in church, in the midst of darkness, and sing words I should believe, and do on some level. But feel like a puppet, doing what everyone else is doing at the same time. If I, as a believer (even when my faith is weak) feel like that, what does that man off the street think as he crosses the threshold after the start of service, hoping to slink in unnoticed, searching for something to fill the void? Or that woman, who comes in laughing and talking admist friends she has known for years, lonely in the deepest places of her heart?

Do they find Him?

Christ offers hope, strength and joy in the midst of everything. His love is sure and forgiveness free - for us.

So maybe I need to get over my shame and pride and let Christ work in and through me.

September 07, 2010

First day of School 2010

Anthony starts grade one today and he is so very excited about it. Alexandra gets to meet her J.K teacher for an hour this afternoon, she doesn't officially start until the 21 of September because the school board here does a gradual - staggared start for the J.K. She is disappointed to say the least.

Anthony turns 6 on Friday!! This week is a busy one for us.

Fall is offically here, not just in weather, for it is here in that too, but in the ruotines and business that comes with school and dance and Beavers and swimming.

Thankful for the amazing summer that we had, glad to be back into routine though.

September 01, 2010

Last Days of Summer

 Yes, before you ask, I did, in fact, bribe my children with Timbits to get these pictures, the ones where they actually look nice and are smiling/looking at the camera! Don't judge me...I wanted faces of my children...especially since I think one of them is going on our Christmas cards for this year!

 Yup, see...evidence of the Timbit in chipmunk cheek here!