"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

February 16, 2012

Tea for Two

Owen was at play-school and little N was sleeping, so Xanj and I?
 We had a tea party.
 I said yes when it would have been easy to say no (I've been saying that a lot lately and it's not OK)
 We had a teas party complete with stuffies, real tea, peanut butter cracker sandwiches and chocolate.

It was a good morning.

And God is teaching me to stop deceiving myself when it comes to my motives and actions. That I need to stop shifting blame for my actions onto those around, that I need to look into my own heart and seek forgiveness for the sin that lies within, that creeps up in the moments where it is easy to give into self, to the lust of me and the excuses that follow along ("but I'm tired, the kids were up all night." "I've done it all this week and I am just done.")

For those are excuses that allow me to live my life for me, not in a reflection of Christ and His love for us.

I'm being convicted by the book of James. In a good way. A way that is drawing me closer to God, that is pulling me into a deeper relationship with Him.That is slowly causing me to surrender the life I want to live the life that He has for me.

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