"We have never been called to define God, we have been called to behold Him." - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Moment in Time Photography - Blog

March 08, 2011

In the dark of night, Love pours down, healing broken, wounded places deep within. 

Those who have walked a road of dark, of grief those lessons will not soon be lost, 

that Love, 

that Mercy, 

that Grace....

it fills and spills over,

changing the dark to Light and grief to joy.

His love pouring out on us that we might live Love to those around us.

* * * 

Leaving today with the kids for my brother's wedding. I am rejoicing for him. So excited and thankful. I just pray that they will remember that at the end of the day they are still married, it doesn't matter what happens or if things are *perfect*. They will still have each other and that's what matters in the end.

The kids are bouncing off the walls, Owen has no memory of ever being on an airplane, so this will be a *first* for him. And the other two....well, they just can't wait. They remember everything that awaits them at Grandma and Deda's and are just so excited.....

Oh that I would long for heaven that way...to remember what awaits me and live my life accordingly here. Remembering that this earth is temporal and that the real joy, the real happiness is found in His Kingdom.

We got tons of snow yesterday and it is so pretty out there this morning. The frozen slush is now covered in white and the world is silent, covered in a blanket that muffles the noise and chaos.

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