It was sunny on Saturday so we went with two other families ( 8 kids, 5 and under)to the conservation park on Mission Island (same place with the deer).
The kids had a BLAST running, exploring, climbing, licking ice, playing,
you know, being kids.
Owen was there, he just slept a lot of the morning.
Almost 2 hours of fun and friends in the midst of a beautiful creation.
This weekend has been hard. The rest of the week, really good. Sure there were moments of insanity and frustration but over all, it was a really good week. Then the weekend hit. I'm done being a single parent....unfortunately I still have 3 more days.
Here's to the parents that do it alone all the time. They have my respect. For I'm not sure I could.
The highlight tonight, the beauty of the sunset. The clouds are streaking in silvers and grays, the sky is a deep blue and light pink.
"The heavans declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the works of His hands"
Psalm 19:1
So true, and such a beautiful reminder of His faithfulness to me at the end of a long day.
Looks like a great time with the kids! Thanks for taking time to comment on my blog!
what a brilliant set of photos, it looks like such a great day, it obviously wore Owen out!!!
What a GREAT day!! and the pictures will keep the memories forever etched in your heart and soul! :) Nice job!!
Thanks for being our photographer for the day!! It's so nice to have pictures of our kids that we didn't actually capture. I'm so glad you came out with us. It was a fun morning!
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